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Live Action performance, Bristol, 2016. Duration 45 mins
Girl Gang Dare No: 25
Saturday 20th February
1:30 to 2:15 pm
Asda Superstore
East Street
Women reclaiming Situationist tactics for themselves -- Marc Garrett, Co-Founder, Furtherfield
It’s a rainy Saturday afternoon in town.
Time for a spot of supermarket shopping - Girl Gang style!
With a trolley each and in a single file, Girl Gang fill their trolleys with an assortment of items matching the colour of their bags.
Red! Yellow! Green! Black!
With their trolleys filled it’s time to ‘Reverse!’
Moving backwards in a single file all the items are placed back on the shelves and Girl Gang leave the store.
‘WTF’, exclaims a customer.
Related work:
Rite of Passage

Formation Shopping was conceived and devised by Elsa James and executed with artists Julie McCalden, Anglea Piccini and Tamany Baker for a Girl Gang dare.
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